UOW Journalism: Proposal for Assignment 3–What’s hidden?

I have two main ideas for assignment 3.

First (and preferably) I would be very interested in interviewing a Muslim woman–particularly one that wears a burqua or other forms of head coverings. I think a man’s perspective as well as a general societal consensus on this issue would also be interesting. I just really want to know what these women thing, what their lives are like. So many people make judgements on the issue, but know nothing. I want to help educate the public, maybe eradicating some of the fear and predjudice that is rampant in our society.

If I can’t do this, I will interview (anonymously) people within my life who suffer from mental illness–people who seem like perfectly happy people, but really aren’t. What’s hidden beneath? A person isn’t JUST what they show on the outside.

Since i’ve become a fan of Hindenburg, I’d like to primarily work with sound and some photography for this piece–perhaps some video, depending on how it plans out.

Mega Stories: Amazing, but superfluous?

I am of the opinion that though mega stories like “Snow Fall” and “NSA Files: Decoded” are amazing, I think they’re just a little superfuous. I hate to be so colloqual but: “ain’t nobody got time for dat”. As a uni student, I don’t even have time to make food for myself, let alone reading those extravagant projects.



Trends in the newsroom: women in the media–a review

Below is the link for my storify post on my review of Trends in the Newsroom by WAN-IFRA. Women in the media is the particular aspect I have chosen to look at–as I am a woman, it resonates deeply within me. It’s also an issue I feel is exponentially important, and is therefore the most engaging to me.


Inspirational Women: Photography and feminintiy

Please view the link below for my favourite female photographers–not only are they aesthetically pleasing, but their aim is to comment on society and to make a difference in the world.



Even in Death, Love Prevails

Cheryl's outlook: Camden Golf Course.

Cheryl’s outlook: Camden Golf Course.

Cheryl lost her husband of forty-four years to cancer on Valentine’s Day 2014. Paul was given four months to live, though through love and medical advice, was able to last another four years before succumbing to the illness. Nearly eight months on, Cheryl seeks comfort in the memories of their Camden home—a home which Paul had built. She recalls one story in particular—a baby bird whom Paul had been able to hand feed and send to sleep. It is this very same bird—now aptly named “Paul”—who now returns with its own babies. The bird stands as proof that Paul, in memories and the present, still lives.

*Note: Music used is Paramore’s “Misguided Ghosts”. The track was obtained through copyright-free methods. I do not own the track*

A picture of a picture: Paul Simmons took this photo of the baby bird before he passed.

A picture of a picture: Paul Simmons took this photo of the baby bird before he passed.

Paul the bird: the very same bird Paul Simmons had taken a photo of. Paul the bird regularly visits Cheryl--here she feeds him as he flies away.

Paul the bird: the very same bird Paul Simmons had taken a photo of. Paul the bird regularly visits Cheryl–here she feeds him as he flies away.

Review of past students audio work

Emotional Histories Review


This particular audio piece was my favourite—I feel it fulfilled criteria and takes the audience on an emotional journey.

The use of music is particularly effective within the piece—the blues piece creates a sombre atmosphere, as well as formulating a rhythmic flow within the piece. I feel the music also furthers character development and her struggles. I would like to note the fact that when the character becomes most emotional, the music stops; this allows her words to sink into the audience without any distraction. I believe it is at this moment that the piece reaches the pinnacle of the emotion, allowing the formation of the narrative arc.

Ambient sounds are also used within the piece. At times, these are quite effective at putting the audience within the situation the character is describing. However, it does cause some confusion, for example, the sound of some kind of liquid being poured into a glass. I think it is supposed to communicate the woman’s ex-husband’s alcohol problems, but it mostly sounds like someone is urinating. Perhaps clinking of beer bottles would have made the point clearer. If more thought were put into ambient sounds, this piece would have been far better.

Nonetheless, I still enjoyed listening and found the story very interesting due to its emotional nature.

What a Wonderful World

I believe that in order to create a brilliant piece of journalism, you need to explore what you know and explore what is close to your heart–your passion will reveal itself in your work.

My grandparent's garden that looks onto the golf course.

My grandparent’s garden that looks onto the golf course.

This is why I chose my grandmother, Cheryl, to interview. I hope to communicate the amazing woman she is, the love she and my grandfather (who passed on Valentines Day this year due to cancer), and the connection she has to her current home–a home my grandfather built. He is kept alive not only by our memories within the house, but from his connection to nature, birds in particular.

I hope to portray this through emotive dialogue from the interview with my nan, with tasteful rhythmic choices in regards to pauses and tempo in order to create maximum impact–it is a highly emotional topic, after all. An audio track featuring the diegetic sounds of birds seems fitting for the ambiance, in order to draw the listener in to the world of the story, as well as Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World. I have chosen this not only because it is a beautiful song, but because my grandfather loved it. I want to communicate that even though we lose things that are important in life, they are never really gone, and that the world really still is a beautiful, wonderful place.


I realise this isn’t a part of this week’s requirements, but here is my new modified sound grab 🙂





Birds loved my grandfather. A baby bird once fell asleep on his hand.

Even though he is gone, birds have not. It’s beautiful that a part of him will always exist in nature


Morning Birds

There were many challenges in putting this piece of sound together. Capturing decent sound with an iPhone is always difficult, and this task was made even more difficult by unwanted noises (like people talking really loudly!). Also, getting close enough to the birds to capture this sound was tricky. I had to bribe them with honey on some raisin toast. Birds strike a hard bargin.

Sound can transport you into your memories. I hope I capture this sound so others can experience the elation I feel.